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Planning and Development, Comprehensive Plan Chapter 12, Ward 1

The Mayor's Office of Planning's Comprehensive Plan Report on Ward 1 Transportation agrees that the principal defect in transit service in Ward 1 is the limited east-west service.  

1212.1 The Wards transportation system consists of a modern transit system, with subway and bus services, a comprehensive highway and street system, and special services for the elderly and handicapped. Transportation systems historically play a major role in shaping land uses.

1212.2 Ward 1 is the smallest of the eight (8) wards, but because it is located just north of central Washington and has a large population, it requires and contains extensive transportation services. The Ward 1 transportation routes serve as conduits to the Downtown retail and employment centers.

1212.3 Major commuter routes in the ward include 16th Street, Rock Creek Parkway, Connecticut Avenue, Rhode Island Avenue, Massachusetts Avenue, and Georgia Avenue.

1212.4 Traffic circulation west of 16th Street in Ward 1 is affected by the Rock Creek Parkway. Only Massachusetts and Connecticut Avenues, Park and Klingle Roads, and Calvert Street provide cross-park service. As a result, congestion, particularly at Calvert Street and Connecticut Avenue, is a significant problem during rush hours.

1212.9 The principal defect in transit service in Ward 1 is the limited east-west service. Primary routes for east-west travel across Rock Creek Park are one half (1/2) to one (1) mile apart.  Park and Klingle Roads, Calvert Street, Connecticut Avenue, and Massachusetts Avenue
are the only routes across Rock Creek Park.

1212.17 The overall transportation goal for the District is to provide a transportation system that meets the needs of its residents, employees, and visitors and ensures the effective functioning of the District.  (see report)

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