You Want These Road Taken Away From You?
That Carry 3,200 (or Less) Cars a Day
Klingle Road carried 3,200 cars a day.
Klingle Road is listed as a collector road for vehicular traffic on the
District of Columbia's Functional Classification Map. Collectors
provide direct access to major traffic generators such as a Metro
station or a large complex of apartments. They may connect a
neighborhood to a major arterial roadway. Berger, 3.12.1.
At the Mayor's December 13, 2001 press conference on Klingle Road, DDOT
Acting Director Dan Tangherlini stated: "Well, one of the
things we have to understand whether this would have really contributed
all that much in the way of capacity to the network. We estimated
roughly 3,000 cars a day would use that road if reopened. The
other question we have to ask ourselves is this the kind of investment; if
we make this investment, who are we making it for and can we make that
investment for more people rather than less; can we get the most
bang for the buck out of these investments?"
We have provided you over 100 roads in our city who carry 3,200 or less
cars a day (and this list is not all of them). Most of these road are classified as collector
roads. Use left navigation bar to access roads near you.